1 Como está sentada solitária a cidade que era tão populosa! tornou-se como viúva a que era grande entre as nações! A que era princesa entre as províncias tornou-se avassalada!
2 Chora amargamente de noite, e as lágrimas lhe correm pelas faces; não tem quem a console entre todos os seus amantes; todos os seus amigos se houveram aleivosamente com ela; tornaram-se seus inimigos.
3 Judá foi para o cativeiro para sofrer aflição e dura servidão; ela habita entre as nações, não acha descanso; todos os seus perseguidores a alcançaram nas suas angústias.
4 Os caminhos de Sião pranteiam, porque não há quem venha à assembléia solene; todas as suas portas estão desoladas; os seus sacerdotes suspiram; as suas virgens estão tristes, e ela mesma sofre amargamente.
5 Os seus adversários a dominam, os seus inimigos prosperam; porque o Senhor a afligiu por causa da multidão das suas transgressões; os seus filhinhos marcharam para o cativeiro adiante do adversário.
6 E da filha de Sião já se foi todo o seu esplendor; os seus príncipes ficaram sendo como cervos que não acham pasto e caminham sem força adiante do perseguidor.
7 Lembra-se Jerusalém, nos dias da sua aflição e dos seus exílios, de todas as suas preciosas coisas, que tivera desde os tempos antigos; quando caía o seu povo na mão do adversário, e não havia quem a socorresse, os adversários a viram, e zombaram da sua ruína.
8 Jerusalém gravemente pecou, por isso se fez imunda; todos os que a honravam a desprezam, porque lhe viram a nudez; ela também suspira e se volta para trás.
9 A sua imundícia estava nas suas fraldas; não se lembrava do seu fim; por isso foi espantosamente abatida; não há quem a console; vê, Senhor, a minha aflição; pois o inimigo se tem engrandecido.
10 Estendeu o adversário a sua mão a todas as coisas preciosas dela; pois ela viu entrar no seu santuário as nações, acerca das quais ordenaste que não entrassem na tua congregação.
11 Todo o seu povo anda gemendo, buscando o pão; deram as suas coisas mais preciosas a troco de mantimento para refazerem as suas forças. Vê, Senhor, e contempla, pois me tornei desprezível.
12 Não vos comove isto a todos vós que passais pelo caminho? Atendei e vede se há dor igual a minha dor, que veio sobre mim, com que o Senhor me afligiu, no dia do furor da sua ira.
13 Desde o alto enviou fogo que entra nos meus ossos, o qual se assenhoreou deles; estendeu uma rede aos meus pés, fez-me voltar para trás, tornou-me desolada e desfalecida o dia todo.
14 O jugo das minhas transgressões foi atado; pela sua mão elas foram entretecidas e postas sobre o meu pescoço; ele abateu a minha força; entregou-me o Senhor nas mãos daqueles a quem eu não posso resistir.
15 O Senhor desprezou todos os meus valentes no meio de mim; convocou contra mim uma assembléia para esmagar os meus mancebos; o Senhor pisou como num lagar a virgem filha de Judá.
16 Por estas coisas vou chorando; os meus olhos, os meus olhos se desfazem em águas; porque está longe de mim um consolador que pudesse renovar o meu ânimo; os meus filhos estão desolados, porque prevaleceu o inimigo.
17 Estende Sião as suas mãos, não há quem a console; ordenou o Senhor acerca de Jacó que fossem inimigos os que estão em redor dele; Jerusalém se tornou entre eles uma coisa imunda.
18 Justo é o Senhor, pois me rebelei contra os seus mandamentos; ouvi, rogo-vos, todos os povos, e vede a minha dor; para o cativeiro foram-se as minhas virgens e os meus mancebos.
19 Chamei os meus amantes, mas eles me enganaram; os meus sacerdotes e os meus anciãos expiraram na cidade, enquanto buscavam para si mantimento, para refazerem as suas forças.
20 Olha, Senhor, porque estou angustiada; turbadas estão as minhas entranhas; o meu coração está transtornado dentro de mim; porque gravemente me rebelei. Na rua me desfilha a espada, em casa é como a morte.
21 Ouviram como estou gemendo; mas não há quem me console; todos os meus inimigos souberam do meu mal; alegram-se de que tu o determinaste; mas, em trazendo tu o dia que anunciaste, eles se tornarão semelhantes a mim.
22 Venha toda a sua maldade para a tua presença, e faze-lhes como me fizeste a mim por causa de todas as minhas transgressões; pois muitos são os meus gemidos, e desfalecido está o meu coração.
Tradução para o Ingles :
Lamentations of Jeremiah 1
Verses of the 1st chapter of the Lamentations of Jeremiah the Bible.
1 How is the city sit solitary that was full of people! became a widow that was great among the nations! What was a princess among the provinces has become tributary!
2 She weeps bitterly in the night and her tears are on her cheeks, she has none to comfort her among all her lovers, all her friends have dealt treacherously with her, became his enemies.
3 Judah is gone into captivity to suffer affliction and hard servitude: she dwelleth among the heathen, she findeth no rest: all her persecutors overtook her between the straits.
4 The ways of Zion do mourn, because none come to the solemn feasts: all her gates are desolate: her priests sigh, her virgins are afflicted, and she herself suffers bitterly.
5 Her adversaries are the chief, her enemies prosper, because the Lord has afflicted her for the multitude of her transgressions: her children are gone into captivity before the adversary.
6 And from the daughter of Zion all her splendor was: her princes are become like harts that find no pasture, and gone without strength before the pursuer.
7 Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had since ancient times, when her people fell into the hands of an opponent, and none did help her, the opponents saw, and mocked at her desolations.
8 Jerusalem has sinned gravely, so it became unclean, those who honored her despise her, because they have seen her nakedness, she sighs and turns back.
9 Her filthiness is in her skirts; not remember its end, so it was amazingly shot down, there is none to comfort, O LORD, behold my affliction: for the enemy hath magnified himself.
10 The adversary hath spread out his hand upon all her pleasant things: for she has seen in his temple into the nations, concerning whom you commanded that they should not enter into thy congregation.
11 All her people sigh, they seek bread; they have given their pleasant things for food to refresh their souls. See, Lord, and behold, as I became negligible.
12 Do not you moved this to all you who pass by? Behold and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow, that came over me, with which the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.
13 From above hath he sent fire into my bones, and it prevails against them, spread a net for my feet, made me go back, made me desolate and faint all the day.
14 The yoke of my transgressions is bound by his hands they were woven and placed upon my neck: he hath made my strength, the Lord gave me the hands of those whom I can not resist.
15 The Lord despised all my mighty men in the middle of me, called an assembly against me to crush my young men: the Lord has trodden as in a winepress the virgin daughter of Judah
16 For these things I weep: mine eye, mine eye runneth down with water, because it is far from me a comforter that should refresh my soul, my children are desolate, because the enemy prevailed.
17 Zion spreads forth her hands, there is none to comfort her, the Lord has commanded concerning Jacob, that adversaries should be round about him: Jerusalem is among them as an unclean thing.
18 The LORD is righteous, for I have rebelled against his commandment: hear, I beseech you, all people, and behold my sorrow: into captivity were up my virgins and my young men.
19 I called for my lovers, but they deceived me: my priests and mine elders perished in the city, while they sought them food to refresh their souls.
20 Look, Lord, for I am in distress: my bowels are troubled: my heart is turned within me, I have grievously rebelled. On the street the sword bereaveth at home is like death.
21 heard that I sigh, but there is none to comfort me: all mine enemies have heard of my trouble; rejoice that thou be determined, but in bringing you the day you announce, they will become like me.
22 Let all their wickedness to your presence, and do unto them as thou hast done unto me for all my transgressions: for my sighs are many, and my heart is faint.
Tradução para o Hebraico Logo Abaixo :
איכה ירמיהו 1
פסוקי פרק 1 של איכה ירמיהו בתנ"ך.
1 איך הוא יושב בבידוד העיר כי היה מלא אנשים! הפכו אלמנה כי היה נהדר בין העמים! מה הייתה נסיכה בין המחוזות הפך יובל!
2 היא בוכה מרה בלילה הדמעות שלה על לחייה, היא לא לנחם אותה בין כל מאהביה, כל חברותיה בגדו בה, הפכה את אויביו.
3 יהודה נעלם בשבי לסבול סבל ועל עבדות קשה: היא משכן בקרב עובדי האלילים, היא findeth מנוח: כל הרודפים אותה עקפה אותה בין המצרים.
4 דרכי ציון לעשות להתאבל, כי אין לבוא סעודות חגיגיות: כל השערים שלה שומם: הכהנים אותה אנחה, בתולות שלה נגועים, והיא עצמה סובלת במרירות.
5 יריבים שלה הראשי, אויביה לשגשג, כי ה 'יש לקתה אותה ריבוי העבירות שלה: ילדיה נעלמו בשבי לפני היריב.
6 ומן בת ציון כל הדרה שלה היה: הנסיכים שלה להיות כמו harts למצוא כי אין מרעה, והלכו בלי כוח לפני רודף.
7 ירושלים נזכר בימים עוני שלה ושל מצוקות לה את כל הדברים הנעימים שיש לה מאז ימי קדם, כשאנשים שלה נפל לידיים של היריב, ואף אחד לא עזר לה, המתנגדים ראה, ולעגו לה על שממות.
8 ירושלים חטא חמור, אז זה הפך טמא, מי כיבד אותה לבוז לה, כי הם ראו מערומיה, היא נאנחת ופונה לאחור.
9 טנופת שלה בחצאיות שלה, לא זוכר את סופו, כך נורה להפליא למטה, יש אף כדי לנחם, יהוה, והנה בעניי: לאויב יהוה מוגדל עצמו.
10 יריב יהוה להפיץ את ידו על כל הדברים נעים לה: כי היא ראתה ברקתו לתוך העמים, לגבי מי אתה פיקד שהם לא צריכים להיכנס לתוך הקהל שלך.
11 כל האנשים שלה אנחה, הם מבקשים לחם, הם העניקו דברים נעימים שלהם למזון כדי לרענן את נשמותיהם. ראה, אלוהים, והנה, כפי שאני הפכה זניחה.
12 אתה לא עברו את זה לכל מי שאתם עוברים? הנה ולראות אם יש עצב כמו העצב שלי, כי בא לי, עם אשר יהוה לקתה אותי ביום חרון אפו.
13 מלמעלה יהוה הוא שלח אש בעצמותי, וזה גובר נגדם, להפיץ הנקי רגלי, גרם לי לחזור, גרם לי שומם להתעלף כל יום.
14 עול חטאי הוא כבול בידיו היו ארוגים והניח על הצוואר שלי: הוא בראה כוחי, נתן יהוה אלי את הידיים של אלה שאני לא יכול להתאפק.
15 ה 'בז כל גבורי שלי באמצע לי, שנקרא הרכבה נגדי לרסק צעירים שלי: לורד יש רמוס כמו גת בת בתולה יהודה
16 עבור אלה אני בוכיה: העין שלי, runneth העין שלי למטה עם מים, כי זה רחוק ממני שמיכה כי צריך לרענן את הנשמה שלי, הילדים שלי שומם, כי האויב על העליונה.
17 ציון מתפשט ושוב את ידיה, אין כזה לנחם אותה, ה 'ציווה בנוגע ליעקב, כי יריבים צריך להיות עגול עליו: ירושלים ביניהם כדבר טמא.
18 יהוה צדיק, כי אני מרדנו המצווה שלו: לשמוע, אני מפציר בכם, כל העם, והנה לצערי: בשבי עלו בתולות שלי צעירים שלי.
19 התקשרתי לאוהבי שלי, אבל הם רימו אותי: הכהנים והזקנים שלי שלי נספו בעיר, בעוד הם ביקשו להם אוכל לרענן את נשמותיהם.
20 תראה, אדוני, כי אני במצוקה: המעיים שלי מוטרדים: לבי מופעלת בתוכי, יש לי חמור התמרד. ברחוב החרב bereaveth בבית היא כמו מוות.
21 שמעו כי אני נאנחת, אבל אין אף אחד לנחם אותי: כל האויבים שלי לא שמעתי על הבעיה שלי, לשמוח כי אתה להיקבע, אבל להביא לך את היום להודיע לך, הם יהיו כמוני.
22 תנו את כל רעתם לנוכחות שלך, לעשות אלהם כאשר עשית אלי על כל העברות שלי: עבור אנחות שלי הם
רבים, הלב שלי חלש
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