sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Edir Macedo compara doutrinas de igrejas com macumba (Edir Macedo compares the doctrines of churches with voodoo)

   O Bispo Edir Macedo, líder da IURD voltou a criticar as doutrinas de igrejas pentencostais pela forma como elas estaria recebendo o Espírito Santo, ato conhecido como “cair no Espírito”. O Bispo utilizou seu canal no Youtube e seu blog e publicou um vídeo no qual compara as manifestações “causadas pelo Espírito Santo” e as demonstradas por recebimento de entidades em centros espíritas.

Tradução : Logo Abaixo

Edir Macedo compares the doctrines of churches with voodoo

Bishop Edir Macedo, leader of the UCKG again criticized the doctrines of Pentecost church by how they would be receiving the Holy Spirit, an act known as "slain in the Spirit." Bishop used his YouTube channel and his blog and posted a video in which he compares the manifestations "caused by the Holy Spirit" and demonstrated by receiving entities in spiritual centers.

In the video Macedo Bishop draws a parallel with the demonstrations synchronizing yards of some images of voodoo and evangelical denominations that are not of the Church Universal. The title of the video and publication, "What's the difference?", Questions whether the events of Pentecost churches to receive the Holy Spirit and the manifestations of yards of voodoo to receive such entities as the "bar street" or "dove turns" would not be the same.

At 23 seconds of editing, is clearly quoted and compared to the image centers of witchcraft and the ministry of Pastor Marcos Feliciano and Gideons Missionaries of the Last Hour, an entity linked to the Assemblies of God, and other famous preachers like Benny Hinn. Check out the full video below:

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